From a perspective of Space the book “The Man of Aquarius Epoch” tells about a new level of Earth development and its transition to a new orbital, about human love and what it is given by Heavenly Teachers for. The reader learns about improvement of family relations in future six race, about responsibilities between husband and wife, about formation of proper relations in family, how to instil love in a child for the world around. One can find out what the “I” of a man and meaning of development are and how fashion influences it; what adultery and jealousy are given for and what levels they have.
The book narrates why nudists and homosexuals appear, about the role of morality in a set of circumstances, about cataclysms on the planet and their reasons. Read about everyday speech as a form of energies changes on the Earth as well as such social aspects as why many countries collapse and what new ones appear for. There is much new about leaders of countries and nations, army, prisons and many others. The aim of the book is to expand human consciousness and to transfer it to the global level.
This book is for you if you gonna perceive the sense of cosmic love and would like to find the answer to a question whether a man can become immortal or not.
The book explores the issues of energetical evolution of minerals and plants from another unknown for a man side. Do they have souls or not? The reader finds out some information about energetical development of society and how TV-programs influence on people. The book is about necessity to speed up human spiritual development and about impact of planets and information on improvement of subtle bodies. Negative influence of foul beings on development of souls and harm of bumptiousness are also there.