This book is about our planet from the perspective of knowledge given by the Higher Cosmic Mind. The book has a new look at the Earth history, reasons of its appearance and the role of the Sun and the Moon in its life. Here you can read about energetic foundation of continents and oceans and their connection with all living beings. You learn about the reason why our planet needs climate and atmosphere, much new about its physical and subtle structure of bodies and about Earth parallel worlds. Some facts about planet thinking activity, ways of its development and legends about centaurs, mermaids and amazons are also there. Would you like to know why aliens visit us and what they do on the continents underground? Read about the true reason of civilization birth and their change and find out the time when humanity is passing away. Do you know how we can leave the Earth, how the Higher Forces manage the planet and that cataclysms are needed for restructure?
This book is for you if you gonna perceive the sense of cosmic love and would like to find the answer to a question whether a man can become immortal or not.
The book explores the issues of energetical evolution of minerals and plants from another unknown for a man side. Do they have souls or not? The reader finds out some information about energetical development of society and how TV-programs influence on people. The book is about necessity to speed up human spiritual development and about impact of planets and information on improvement of subtle bodies. Negative influence of foul beings on development of souls and harm of bumptiousness are also there.